Verschuren Broccoli is based in the middle of the community. We as a company want to contribute to the basic community services in the village Raamsdonk and it's direct surroundings, but also establish continues feedback trough direct contact with citizen and consumer and build communal support.

In 2012 a welcoming area was realized "in the pocket" which brought with it various possiblities for recreation and education in our company.

Having a relaxed meeting on an inspiring location. Ideal up to 10 persons, maximum 18. The Greeney, Jumbo, Natuurlijk Biesbosch, ZLTO e.o. proceeded.

Wifi is present, the beamer can go on the wall. Up to 10 persons. In principle on mutual agreement all timeslots possible.

We offer a fun reception "in the pocket" were we engage into the history of the company and strategy of our company. After this there will be a short tour of the company  eventually combined with a look on the fields. Program 1/1.5 hour to 2/2.5 hour along to what is your wish.

Class farmer
Teaching on location, how is that for ... By stimulating all the senses the educational material is picked up easier making learning an event. We are tuned in to your learning goals to get high yield from your company visit. The agricultural company offers lots of potential in the field of biologie, calculus, geagraphy and so on.

Picknick Meadow "De Schutsboom"
From 2015 we offer the possiblilty for the tired traveller to take a rest and enjoy the view on the countryside and the monumental Church called Lambertuskerk (free entree). You can use the picknicktables or sit on the grass. Toilet facillities are available. The name of the meadow is derived from the presence of a 12 meter long pole the local Sint Bavo Guild uses for target  practice with bow and arrow.

Take a look at for more info on toerism and recreation in Geertruidenberg
ZLTO kantinemeeting
ZLTO kantinemeeting
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